Monday, October 27, 2014

Faustus The Satanic Minion?

Okay wtf is up with Faustus now? So it's a good idea to meddle with life and death? Is that fun Faustus? Do you feel like God now? Do you feel in control of everything now, like you wanted in the first act? Faustus is annoying and I'm ready to throw my book out of the window. He chooses to play tricks on the pope and cardinals instead of looking for salvation AGAIN. Hell no, I will NEVER feel sorry for this dumbass. I don't find it funny that Faustus is mocking religion and lighting fireworks and crap during the exorcism. If he doesn't believe, fine---but you DO NOT mock someone else's God! I find it impossible to pity him because he is foolish and swears he knows everything. He is disgusting and his actions incense me.v

The whole text is actually starting to piss me off because I don't like how everyone is ignoring the gravity of the situation. The pope is a condescending moron and people are playing with heaven and hell, and it's supposed to be funny? It's unsettling for me because I take religion serious enough not to play with it, even if I do have my own opinions and disagree with a lot of things in the Bible. Robin and Dick are clowns, but I still don't excuse them for calling on Mephistopheles to scare the man at the tavern. Like no one seems to understand that you will be damned to hell, and since you are so ignorant and stuck in your ways, you will NEVER  be saved.


  1. *Note: The following comment contains language not suitable for children)*
    When I first read the ending of Dr. Faustus, I actually had to set it down and go take a walk because I was so frustrated by Faustus' character. Even at the end of his life he was questioning whether he should repent or not. He finally makes up his damned (literally damned) mind only to be too FREAKING late to save himself (if he ever could have in the first place). I mean honestly, he decided to sell his soul in like 10 SECONDS yet he spends YEARS trying to decide if he made the right choice... uh I will be the first to admit that I am not good at making decisions, I guess that is something that I have in common with Faustus, the difference, I THINK about the effects long term and short term of my decisions. I make pros and cons lists... did Faustus make a pros and cons list about whether he should sell his soul to the devil... uh, no... Idiot alert. Faustus' stupidity in making decisions alone is enough to piss me off. I thought that Faustus went to college. If he did then he would have learned about the negative effects of drinking alcohol, getting high, and oh yeah selling your fucking soul to the devil. Seriously, Faustus? I do not care what god you do or do not believe in, get your head out of your ass because you do not know everything! The world does not revolve around you. I tried to sympathize with Faustus but the more I read the more I despised him and his stupidity. Here is a devil telling him that God exists and so does Lucifer yet, Faustus does not believe him. I would now like to take a moment to acknowledge that my views are not the views of anyone else but me, myself, and I.

  2. WOW!!!! I loved the explicit content! I'm glad I'm not the only one who is angered by this text and will NEVER feel sympathy for this imbecile. #teamhatefaustus

  3. I'm not sure I can really follow Sarah's comment. Damn girl, let it out. I'm enjoying finding others in the anti-Faustus camp. I'm with Jaasmin on this one, I may not have much of a faith myself but the faith of others should never be mocked or toyed with. Yes, the Pope seemed kind of like an asshole, but was hitting him the right decision? Probably not.
    I personally was totally okay with the ending, I think Faustus had it coming. I didn't really support his constant musing on repentance once he started to actually do despicable things. You signed a contract, buddy. Learn to live with it. And maybe if he spent his contracted years building schools and curing the plague (or whatever was comparable for the time) then I'd say yeah, you look at that repentance thing. But no,he had to go around fucking with the Vatican and selling people straw horses. What was the point of that? He didn't need the money. He has an actual, literal, Devil on his side. If Mephostophilis can't just conjure up just seems like that would a character failing/plot hole. So what was the point other than to rob from a poor guy and laugh at him? Faustus is just such a jerk, I really can't find much (or any) pity for him.

  4. It's not a secret that I agree with Katie and Jaasmine. Faustus made his own decisions and only he deserves to bear the consequences of them. He had free- will up until he died and he did with that whatever he wanted. I do not think that it is right to blame Mephostophilis when Faustus had he power to make his own choices. If he was stupid enough to sell his soul to the devil than sorry buddy. Who knows maybe all that latin finally went to his head and he went crazy... that may be my best explanation for why a scholar would make the illogical and rash decisions that Faustus made. Faustus had little to no faith. What happened to him is sad yes but not tragic. He did it to himself and he is the only one to blame or his fate. #teamhatefaustus #anti-faustuscamp
