Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Hell and Satan

So I Milton has wonderful nice very descriptive writing and its so hard to focus when reading this book... I mean poem. So lets talk about the devil. In most people's heads, the devil is this big olĂ© monster that's red with horns. But he's really an angel who has fallen from heaven and his biggest flaw is his selfishness. He has baleful eyes and his situation is just not good. "He is lay vanquished rolling in the fiery gulf confounded though immortal. Both of lost happiness and lasting pain torments him....a dungeon horrible on all sides round as one great furnace flamed yet from those flames no light but rather darkness visible served only to discover sights of woe... where peace and rest can never dwell, hope never comes..." So in Hell, its dark, dark as hell, lol get it. But its dark and hot as a furnace. There's no happiness and only pain. The only thing that comes is torture without end! Now with this description of Hell, I can't help but think back to Faustus, at first not really thinking what hell would be like and then thinking that there may be an end to it until Mephistopheles told him other wise. OMG. I know its HELL and all, but this sounds so horrible. People should REPENT REPENT REPENT. PUHLEASE. Plus I kept thinking how misery loves company. That is how I really see this whole situation. He can sugar coat it all he wants, but honestly, who wants to go to hell by themselves? Or would you rather have someone to keep you company while you are getting tortured for an eternity? Because I'm selfish and I want some company. Why does he (Satan) choose to take on all these different forms? Like why does he choose a serpent, a cherub, a toad etc????

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