Monday, November 17, 2014

Paradise Lost or Found... Also what's up with Satan?

I figured that I would start my post with this lovely picture.

I'm not sure if I sympathize with Satan or not. Yes, I feel bad that he was banned from Heaven but it was his fault. He turned against God and even though banishment is a pretty extreme punishment, I can understand why it was necessary given what had happened. I found it interesting that Milton felt the need to specify that the fall from Heaven into Hell took 9 days and nights.  To me that alone shows how much thought Milton put into this piece of literature.

I do sympathize with the angels that fell with Lucifer. Lucifer lost the battle against God and his followers.So the angels such as Mephistopheles picked the wrong side. I guess in some ways they deserve the same punishment for the same crime only they did not lead. 

As a history major, I really enjoyed talking about Puritanism during class last Thursday. Religion was a big part of life for society at that time.England was going through a time of religious change. A few years ago I memorized the order of the British rulers after the Tudor Dynasty ended, (James I, Charles I, Olive Cromwell (when Milton was writing Paradise Lost), Charles II, James II, and William and Mary) in case anyone was wondering.

 I find it interesting that predestination  misconstrued in public memory. Milton believed that God could predict people's actions from the time they were born. But people have free-will, which I've noticed is a reoccurring theme in this course. I am really curious to see where Milton goes with this theme throughout book II and how big a role free-will plays. 


  1. I wonder why "God" gave these people free will... especially if he knew that someone on the line would snakishly mess up his perfect, prim and proper universe. I mean, clearly he has worked very hard to establish this beautiful universe--it does not seem likely that he would be so willing to loose it all. I also wonde why he did not just take away Satan's free will... because I feel as though he had that power. ( i think the text said that Satan only had free will, even in hell, because god was allowing it).

  2. You're right--- free will does keep popping up. Maybe Professor is trying to tell us something. Hmmmm.

    I agree that he did something wrong, but I just can't help but say "God isn't fair!" He's also portrayed as a hypocrite because he never forgave Satan for what he did. I mean this angel fell for 9 days and 9 nights and you've been torturing him forever in a passive aggressive kind of way.

    Satan seems like any kid who is given rules by his parent. Parents set rules that they know their kids are going to break, but do they send them to time out on a burning lake? If he knew Satan would do it, who is he so damn man? God seems like one of those over bearing parents who force their children into becoming meth heads and serial killers because if their high expectations and rules.

    I'm sorry God, but in this text, you're painted as a Donald Trump type dickwad and Satan is John Stamos as Jesse on "Full House." Who the hell's bike do you think is climb on and ride into eternity with?
