Monday, November 24, 2014

I blame you…and you, and you.

So... God created Satan; Satan is the devil; the devil created Sin; then Sin and the devil created Death. Wow. So is God to blame for all of this? Satan would most likely argue yes, that God is to blame for everything, especially if we think about Chad’s “teenage rebellion” analogy. As a teenager, we blame a lot of things on our parents, mostly because it’s easier than finding the real reason for why things happen that we don’t like or understand. So a recently grounded teenager is going to blame his parents for everything since they are the ones who gave him the punishment, just like Satan is blaming God. But how can Satan hate God when He is the reason Satan even exists in the first place? When we argue with our parents we say we hate them, but do we really? Does Satan really hate God or is he still trying to pretend like he is fine with being in Hell and is making the most of it? Back to Satan and his children, isn’t it funny how they are the ones opening the gates of Hell to their Father? Could they be seeking revenge on their father just like Satan is trying to do to God?

         On another note, of course Satan is the one who volunteers to seek out the new world (rolling my eyes). As I got more and more into the story I couldn’t help but find comparisons between Satan and Beowulf. Both men (if you can really call them that) wanted to be the one with all the fame and glory. They wanted to be the men who, if they died (which they knew most likely would happen) were known for being brave and saving others lives and protecting their people. Both their pride and their greed lead to their downfall. I suppose that this story has more connections than I thought, teaching us lessons about most if not all of the seven deadly sins (sloth, wrath, lust, gluttony, envy, pride, and greed). Other than pride and greed, as I have already pointed out, could there be one sin that triumphs all the others? (Maybe we should ask Sin, pun intended).

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