Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I've Got The World on a String

Milton continues to confuse me with his winding staircase sentences that lead to nowhere. I love the language and creativity he has, but just write a simple sentence once in a while to get your point across, you know? I do like where the story is headed though, and I wish we had time to trip over the words in all ten of the books, but my end of semester brain thanks Dr.MB for only making us tackle two.

All seems to be well in hell. We've now taken a look around and in addition to the expected molten fire, we've also found a surprising frozen tundra. Satan has asked his little devils to keep house and tidy things up to make hell a more suitable place to live. And now, because no good story begins and ends by staying in one place where you've been banished, Satan has taken it upon himself to go exploring. He journeys to the gates of hell, which I am actually surprised exist/he is not in charge of them. Part of me has always pictured Satan having some sort of docking station upon a lake of skulls or fire and only he has access to let people in or out. Anyway, he comes across two figures by these gates: a half woman-serpent and something shapeless and terrible. We find out that this woman is Sin and that her son, who Satan is the father of is death. Interesting, right? Sin and Satan have worked together to produce death.

I really like this theory behind the existence of death. Whenever someone dies from an illness, suddenly or just too soon, people are so quick to say something like, "How could God let such a terrible thing happen to such an innocent soul?" But is it God? If death was produced by satan and sin, it isn't really God at all. The embodiment of rule-breaking and cruelty has teamed up with a fallen angel that wanted God's powers. We don't know why death exists, but it's more of a chain of events than something God just thought up. If Satan had never betrayed God and fallen, then maybe death wouldn't exist. But then again, God knew that Satan would do this and it would eventually result in death. Beyond this, Satan actually bribes death and sin and says Hey, if you let me out of this gate, I'll let you roam earth with me. Satan literally brings death and sin to earth.

The chaos part confuses me, which I guess it should. I really thought chaos would be one with the earth, but I guess its more of a messy limbo. Chaos is described as a potpourri of miscellaneous tasks and objects that Satan must get through and I think that might be symbolic of the chaos a person on earth would have to go through to get either to heaven or to hell. Chaos sparks people to make decisions that can lean in either a positive or a negative way, but we have to make it through the chaos to make a decision. I also like that Satan sees earth is dangling from heaven by a string. In fact, I think that's my favorite symbol so far. We are dangling from a single tie to heaven. It's so much easier to fall into the depths of chaos or hell, but heaven is barely holding on to us and seems so out of grasp. The ties between heaven and earth are slim and few, showing that maybe good is not as common on earth and that if the earth is truly all evil, it would be quite easy to cut the string and let it all fall to chaos.


  1. Such heavy thoughts you have given me to think about regarding the realms outside of Earth! Wow. I really like your ideas regarding Earth being linked to heaven via a small string. I have to ask though, does it matter the size of the string or the material? While a large piece of string is durable, tough and holds strong, there is a difference between steel and titanium. Yet, the idea that Earth is precariously balanced between good and evil and if, somehow, the scale tip in favor of evil leading us to be cut from heaven…well, isn’t that just a tad frightening. It is a great philosophical thought that I’ve never pondered before. It makes me reevaluate some decisions made in the past and those to come in the future. If Earth did fall from heaven’s grasp into chaos, no order would remain and many bat-shit crazy people would be running around. I will admit the realm of Chaos makes me hesitate. While the space is dark, quiet and lonely, I think what a person, feels internally would be soul consuming. A person would be at constant unrest, fighting over decisions, searching for an end to the chaos ravaging their brain. There would be no peace. I couldn’t imagine living this way. So in the words of Gracie Lou Freebush I say, let there be world peace.

    1. Gracie Lou Freebush yessss! "Thank you Stan. That would be harsher gun control...and world peace."

  2. Nice post! It is definitely an intensely depicted world, with Heaven, dangling Earth, Hell, and Chaos surrounding it all. Satan’s interaction with his daughter Sin and their son Death (is there just not a lot of ladies in Heaven?) is really confusing. I like that you point out that Satan brings Sin and Death to Earth, but I am confused… did Sin and Death follow Satan out of Hell and fall too, since Sin said they made baby Death before Satan fell And if they fell, that means they were in Heaven at some point… now you and Zach have got me thinking about all sorts of prequels! I agree that the way this world is describes supports that it is easier to fall from grace (or Heaven) then it is to hold on.
