Monday, November 10, 2014

Lil Stupid Ass Bitch!!!!


I went on so many tangents last week when I commented that I really don't have much to say this week. Awkward. Sooooo... I'll just base my post off of Big Sean's new song, "I Don't Fuck With You" because I assume that's how the Duke feels about Lucio.

So this hilarious exchange begins in Act 3.2 line 86. Lucio asks the Duke (as the friar) if he's heard any recent news about the Duke and his whereabouts. I know that he did this just to gossip because he had a lot to say about him. Lucio says little underhanded comments like "it was a mad fantastical trick to steal from the state and usurp the beggars he was never born to" (3.2, 93-95) and "he would have hanged a man for getting a hundred bastards, he would have paid for the nursing a thousand. He had some feeling of the sport, he knew the service, and that instructed him to mercy" (3.2, 117-120). Lucio talks all types of crap about the Duke, whom he's never met, but he insists that he was an "inward" of his (3.2, 132) quarters with him. He also claims that he loves the Duke, but all he is doing is talking shit:"A very superficial, ignorant, up weighing fellow...Sir, I know him, and I love him" (3.2,141-151).

The Duke first checks this asshole when he says, " Love talks with better knowledge, and knowledge with dearer love" (3.2, 152). In reality tv, this translates to "BITCH YOU DON'T KNOW ME!" Which is usually followed by a hand clap and hair pulling. But the Duke keeps his cool. He lets the little crunt sack talk his shit and says he will get in his ass when he reveals himself, which Lucio does not understand, " And I pray you, your name...He shall know you better sir, if I may live to report you" ( 3.2 10-163). I was ready to get a bag of popcorn and wait for this confrontation to go down because I thought the Duke would be all in Lucio's face.

Welllllll that didn't happen, but Lucio put that bitch in his place when he revealed himself: "You were not bid to speak.  No, my good lord, nor wished to hold my peace. I wish you now, then." (5.1, 92-95). The Duke wants to hear nothing from Lucio because he knows he's a liar that  loves attention.

Lucio can't seem to understand that by trying to kiss the Duke's ass and cosign with him, he's only shoving his foot further into his mouth: "Right. It may be right, but you are i' the wrong to speak out of your time" (102--104). Ooooooohhhhh, burn! The library was open and the Duke read the house down! He was not having any more of Lucio's bullshit! Then. Lucio tried to cop a plea and blame his bashing on the Duke (AS THE FRIAR) because he knows "the friar" will tell on him. Come on now, you lil stupid ass bitch!

Lucio realizes how bad he's fucked up when the friar rips off his hood and GASP he's the Duke!!!! Lucio then says, "this May prove worse than hanging" (5.1, 405). I think the Duke should have beheaded Lucio for talking so much shit about him---maybe that's why I wasn't born as a king. Lol. But I think it was a great punishment to make Lucio marry a whore because he'd be miserable as long as he lived---which is ten times worth than death. YASSSSS BITCH YASSSS!!!


  1. Jaasmine, I agree that Lucio got what he deserved. I have to give the Duke props for not revealing himself the second Lucio started insulting him. I cannot say that my will is that strong. But the Duke had a plan and he stuck to it. Honestly, I do not have much to say about Lucio. I did not like him as a character but he did not annoy me as much as Angelo or even the Duke at the end of the play. As far as ass-hats of the play goes: Angelo is first because well he's Angelo. Then the Duke because he TOLD Isabella to marry him, even though she wants to be a nun. I mean for the sake that is all things good the whole play was about Isabella choosing to save her chastity over her brother, why would she marry the Duke? (other than money and power) And in 3rd place for ass-hat of the play is Lucio because he bad-mouths the Duke without knowing him and (personally) I think that he is an idiot.

  2. Jaasmine, your blog posts/comments are a constant source of joy in my life. I think Lucio is an actual piece of human scum. He starts off seeming like a bit of a jerk but no necessarily actually the worst. (Okay, he's still not the WORST, that honor goes to Angelo, but he's certainly high up on that list.) Lucio just seems very fake. Pretending to be bros with the Duke, while shit talking the Duke, to the Duke? He's digging his own grave in so many ways and he doesn't even know it. I like that he ends up married to a whore and really unhappy with it. I think it serves him right for being such a little twit.

  3. One of my favorite things about Dr. MB's course is that we can put the things these characters say into modern terminology (my favorite example of this is Beowulf and the selfie generation). I love how you point out how crappy Lucio is. It really gives me so much less faith in humanity that even hundreds of years ago, people were still so freaking phony. Like, all of the old ladies sit around the table in my family complaining that their grandchildren listen to rap music and are always on those gosh darn phones... but these youngsters are so much worse! I mean, they kill people.... regularly. Maybe, my grandma needs to read this play. I don't know where I am going with this, but I loved your post.

  4. Lol I always forget to go back and read people's comments. Thanks guys. I appreciate your nice comments. This play was fun for me to read, and it definitely helps me read if I can relate the text to today.
