Monday, November 10, 2014

“Uh, that is not my job.”

Isabella.  What an interesting predicament she has gotten herself into through this story? In Act 1 Scene 4 Isabella is addressing a Nun when she states, “[R]ather wishing a more strict restraint / Upon the sisterhood, the votarists of Saint Clare.” This little tid-bit gives great incite into her character by showing her devote nature to the rules and following of the church.  Also, a foreshadowing of what she will decide to do on her brother’s behalf.

            So, in theory she is not part of the nunnery when she is faced with the decision to save her brother or not. Consequently, she does want to be in the nunnery in the future and her decision could affect her ability to join.  Just because her brother couldn’t contain himself and acted as “rats that raven down proper bane” does not mean that she has to give up on her dreams.  Understandably, one can assume that this wasn’t the most feminist era. Even so, women shouldn’t be forced to give up their dreams to save their brothers for the mistake they knowingly made.

            Yes, one could argue that the Duke wasn’t holding down the law and that poor ‘ol Claudio did not know that it was that bad because the rules weren’t being enforced.  Whatever, he totally knew. As Angelo put it, "Tis one thing to be tempted, Escalus, another thing to fall.”

            Then Claudio goes off in Act Three and tells his sister that he supports her in not giving her virginity to save his life.  But, just like Isabella called it, he sissies out.  He takes it back and then asks her to do it, even after talking to her and knowing how painful it would be for her.  She is willing to die for him and he asks her that? Really? Really.

            I believe that this in itself is a big pill to swallow for poor Isabella.  She just wants to become a nun and do holy things, but no, her brother messed up and now she has to make a choice.  Thankfully she called him out and basically told him to take a hike.  I fully support her decision and her beliefs on her brother showing his true (darkened) colors by having premarital sex and asking for this humongous favor. 

            Sadly, Isabella could not save her brother, would not save her brother.  Although, this outcome of justified death may tie into the idea of justice verses mercy.  Did he deserve to be saved after knowingly making a decision?  I don’t believe someone deserves mercy when they willingly decide to do unjust things and I believe that Isabella did the right thing by deciding to do what was best for her. You go, girl.


  1. I personally feel like, there are a lot of hypocritical characters in this play! I do agree, that not all deserve mercy when they willingly decide to do unjust things repeatedly! We are all human, and we all deserve second chances. Which is why, mercy should be given to those who made an honest and genuine mistake. I'm not so sure she did the right thing by keeping her chastity. Personally, i'm so close to my sister. Although, it would suck really bad to have to do something like that just to keep her alive. I still would probably would do it. I'd do anything to have her in my life. Personal preference, but hey we're all different!

  2. I think that by saving Angelo's life, he was getting the worse end of the deal especially since he was begging for death. Also, I do think Isabella is one of the strongest characters of the whole play. However, I do not think that Claudio deserved to die because the law wasn't enforced for 17 years!!!! How many couples have taken part in premarital sex??? I'm sure its a lot and to pick THIS ONE guy out of everybody else is ridiculous. I do not agree. However, I do think something should be done to enforce the laws, but to pick a stupid law and enforce it is ridiculous in my book.
